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Predict targets from compound - protein targets associations in ChEMBL22 using one of the following methods

Best performing methods are shown in bold. Please refer to manuscript for more details. Shortname is shown for each method.

Recall and Precision statistics considering top 10 predictions

Method Recall (%) Precision (%)
NN(ECfp4) 86 13
NN(Xfp) 81 12
NN(MQN) 76 11
NN(ECfp4) + NB(ECfp4) 76 41
NN(Xfp) + NB(ECfp4) 81 21
NN(MQN) + NB(ECfp4) 78 24
NB(ECfp4) 80 14
DNN(ECfp4) 82 21

How to cite

The Polypharmacology Browser PPB2: Target Prediction Combining Nearest Neighbors with Machine Learning. M. Awale and J.-L. Reymond, 2018, ChemRxiv, doi.org/10.26434/chemrxiv.6895646.v1